Beginning Animal Communication for Children

This course is for children ages 10 – 16. For children younger than 10, please, contact me on as that is a different course that will be set up specifically for the correct age group.

What is Beginning Animal Communication for Children

Telephatic or Intuitive Communication with an animal is not the same thing as “reading” the body language of an animal. It consists of information you receive, or gather, through your senses in the shape and form of thoughts, pictures, emotions, physical sensations, or through “just knowing”. This communication takes place when your consciousness is in a meditative state and is not bound to time, place or distance.

When we communicate with animals telephatically it allows them to clearly show us things about themselves – like their background, their health, what concerns or worries they are having and they always have messages and advice for us. The animals in our lives can also hold up a mirror for us, function as a guide to us and make us see things in a different perspective. New doors will literally be opening up for you.

The course for children is a half day course, 4 hours including breaks, with a lot of space for individual attention. Previous knowledge of the subject is not necessary. At completion of the course the children will be able to telepathically communicate with animals and nature.

The investment for the complete course for children is EUR 95. Which is including VAT, course literature, water, ecological and sugar free fruit juices, ecological / biological snacks and fruit. All gluten and lactose free.

Have the children bring photos of the animals they would like to practice with, any type of animals. Before the course begins, ask them to start to think about what questions they would like to ask. If they don´t have any photos, not to worry – we will be able to practice without photos too.

There will be at least one animal present “live” at the course, whom is very experienced in telepathic communication and being part of the courses. It is therefore not possible to bring any of your own animals to the course.

If you have attended this course before and would like to attend again you have a 50 % discount on the course fee.

It is also possible for anyone who with the need or wish to pay the course in terms to do so. Please, contact Cecilia to do so by email

Warm welcome!